Ashby Magna to Lutterworth

These pages reflect the state of the line in 2002. Click on the structure numbers (black circles) on the map to the left to see a description of each structure with pictures where available. Starting from Bridge 414 and working Southwards will provide a basic description of the line as walked.


The section of line between Ashby Magna and Lutterworth stations formed part of the third construction contract on the line. This contract covered a distance of 15 miles 69 chains from Aylestone to Rugby, and was awarded to Messrs Topham, Jones and Railton, a firm of London based contractors who numbered among their achievements Singapore Harbour, Gibraltar Dockyards and the Johor Causeway. At £281,589 it was the cheapest of the seven contracts on the line and the last contract on the Northern Division of the London Extension. Construction began in November 1894.