Structure 378 - Upperton Road Viaduct

SK 5788 0343- 7 Span Viaduct. Span 1 25'2", Span 2 25'2", Span 3 25'10", Span 4 139'10", Span 5 25'11", Span 6 25'11", Span 7 39'8".

Bridge 378, also known as the Upperton Road Viaduct, is a large blue-brick and iron girder structure. It carries Upperton Road from Western Boulevard to Wilberforce Road and it passes over, from east to west, the Old River Soar; the throat of Leicester Goods North; the goods loops; the running lines and Western Road. Spans 1 and 2 are skewed brick arches which cross the Old River Soar. Span 3 is an iron girder which bridges the lines that head over Bridge 377 and into the east of the goods yard. Span 4 is a massive iron girder which spans some 140' and bridges a number of sidings which terminate just south of the River Soar. Two of the lines which pass under this span continue over Bridge 376 and fan out to form the bulk of Leicester North Goods. Spans 5 and 6 are iron girders which pass over the goods loops and the running lines respectively. Two filled in brick arches seperate these from the final span, Span 7, which is an iron girder bridge passing over Western Road. The structure is in fair condition, although the metalwork is showing some signs of corrosion. The brick parapets to the roadside are leaning in places and the western end of Span 4 is supported on a sturdy steel framework which I believe was installed during the days of British Railways. A steel door is set in the southern parapet and this originally led down a flight of stairs to provide access to the Wagon Repair Shops. Under this bridge are still laid some remnants of the original trackwork to Leicester Goods North. Utilised after the closure of the yard by a series of scrap metal businesses, they were rail connected via a chord from the ex Midland Railway Leicester - Burton line. One of the scrapyards constructed an asbestos removal building immediately south of the viaduct and much of the filtration ductwork still lies below Span 4 - along with evidence of recent solvent abuse !

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Bridge 378, running lines, looking south.\ Bridge 378 Looking North, 1890's Bridge 378 Looking South, 2002 Bridge 379, Goods Loop Looking South, 2002 Bridge 379 Looking East, 2002 Bridge 379 Looking West, 2002 Bridge 379 Bridge Number, 2002 Western Road